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SkyHawk for Explosive Magazines

Federal Directive 6 Compliant
Satellite Monitoring
User Access Identification
Unauthorized Access Detection
Tampering Detection
Real-Time Alerts (Email/SMS)
Federal Directive 6 Compliant
Satellite Monitoring
User Access Identification
Unauthorized Access Detection
Tampering Detection
Real-Time Alerts (Email/SMS)

SkyHawk is certified by NRCAN as meeting 6.10.3 of the CAN/BNQ 2910-500/2015 Magazines for Industrial Explosives standard, as well certified by Surete du Quebec for meeting Loi sur les explosifs (L.R.Q., ch. E-22)

SkyHawk’s federally compliant explosives monitoring solution is a compact, rugged, satellite-based mobile system used to monitor explosive magazines, transport vehicles, wireline trucks, and mobile containers. It provides remote and automatic sensor monitoring with user ID in order to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, theft or movement of explosive storage assets can be detected using device accelerometers and geofencing triggers.

Explosives permit holders in Canada are obligated to comply with current BNQ specifications as set out by NRCAN. The SkyHawk explosives monitoring solution allows you to comply with industry regulations, reduce liability, manual work, and costs by eliminating the need to physically inspect explosive storage facilities (magazines) every 12 hours.

Key features

  • Compliant to Directive 6.10.3
  • Satellite monitoring
  • User access identification
  • Unauthorized access detection
  • Tampering detection alerts
  • Real-time (SMS/Email) alerts

The service, technical support, and associated response times that we receive from SkyHawk are top notch.

Al Loan

Canadian Regulatory Manager, Orica

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